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  • EMSCULPT ◎It is the only slim plastic instrument that can increase muscle 16% while reducing fat by 19% so far. ◎Seven independent studies in the United States provide strong academic support, and have been certified by the US FDA, CE, and TGA. ◎No radiation, no freezing to harm the body, no high te
  • HIEMT EMSCULPT FOR BUILD MUSCLE & REDUCE FATProduct Description Particularly effective on the buttocks and abdomen, EMSculpt uses High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HI-EMT) field technology to induce short bursts of powerful muscle contractions that lead to increased muscle density, decreased
  • HIEMT EMSCULPT FOR BUILD MUSCLE & REDUCE FATProduct Description Particularly effective on the buttocks and abdomen, EMSculpt uses High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HI-EMT) field technology to induce short bursts of powerful muscle contractions that lead to increased muscle density, decreased
  • Non-invasive EMSlim for Fat Burning and Muscle Building WORK THEORY *Non-invasive HIEMT procedure induces powerful muscle contractions not achievable through voluntary contractions.*When exposed to strong contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme condition. It responds with
  • BTL EMSculpt for Muscle Building and Body ShapingWORK THEORY *Non-invasive HIEMT procedure induces powerful muscle contractions not achievable through voluntary contractions.*When exposed to strong contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme condition. It responds with a deep
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